Saturday, March 28, 2020


Criss-Cross, Criss-Cross
The paths cross.
People come and go.
Sometimes they come back
Other times they don't.
Sometimes even if they come back
I don't.

Makes me wonder
If I have any free will at all.
Looking back, I don't think I could have
Made them come. Or go.
Or stay. Or return.
Or leave again.

Is everything then divine orchestration?
If I can't control anything
Does that make me powerless
Or powerful?
Is the lesson then to
Give up the illusion of control?
I'm thinking if I can give up control
That's true power?
It's a declaration that I'm ready
For anything that life might bring.
Why does this feel like true freedom?

Maybe the point was just to
Open me up to life?
Maybe the point is
Not about the other people
But about my own journey
Into myself.

With the intense lessons
If I can process it right
I'm a different person
When I come out on the other side.
Maybe that was the point of the connection.
Not to stay together but
To grow from the experience
And take the new direction
That it inspired.
We match to learn and teach
Once the lesson is learnt
The cords disconnect.

It's a perfect match
For both me and the other person.
We're mirrors then
Reflecting to the other
What they most need to heal
To progress on the journey of life.

When I review situations this way
Then there's no blaming the other
Or taking on guilt
For how the situation unfolded.
We both did the best we could
Given our respective levels of consciousness
At that point in time.

Of course I'm responsible for my actions
As they are to theirs.
Responsible to have grown
From the experience to behave better
The next time around.
And along the way learning
Forgiveness, gratitude and
Unconditional love
For the self and the other
For delivering on a difficult
Soul mission well.
Mission Accomplished.


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Change the filter!

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